As health clinic CEOs, we’re allowed to want it all.
Your business gets to feel fun.
There's flow, energy and momentum.
On the same wavelength?
Amazing, let’s keep chatting.
Time freedom is non-negotiable.
We start our health business not only to build meaningful brands and impact lives, but to experience the success of abundance in time, money and freedom.
Too often I see clinic owners have solid ideas and team, but they are not fulfilling the potential of what they have created because of unsustainable business practices and a lack of clarity of the steps to success.
Is your light is dimmed?
Is your business is running you, not the other way round?
Are you exhausted to make positive changes when there is no time and space to create?
I started The Clinic Project to create win-win solutions for patients, team and clinic owners.
I'm a Clinician, Career and Clinical Mentor, Mum of two and a fur baby, keen traveller, and Business Strategist for female health clinic owners.
In a Nutshell
on fridays you’ll find me
Planning my next trip away
Human Design
Winnie Wu
it’s nice to meet you! I’m
Myers Briggs
Growing up in Hong Kong, my parents are both in the service industry - a nurse and a firefighter. We play safe, we work hard. Hong Kong is a place where where discipline, competition, academic achievements, and a jam-packed schedule of extracurricular activities are the norm for students.
I danced competitively till I became a mum. Dance shaped my values and work ethic. Setting goals. Planning ahead. Paying attention to detail. Spending hours to master my craft.
It is through dance that I built resilience and grit, the foundation for entrepreneurship.
I grew up in Hong Kong.
Totally Unfiltered.
I was a Pilates and Barre instructor before a Physiotherapist.
Upon graduating from my physio degree, I founded Pointe Physiotherapy & Pilates to marry my dance, Pilates and Physio skills and treat bodies as a whole.
For the following 5 years, while building up my solo clinic 3 days a week, I worked at different practices and had many excellent mentors. But no work place had the infrastructure to allow me to treat the way I wanted.
Young Physio with a different skill set.
Realising my passion lies in healthcare, I returned to Australia and created my own environment to treat the way I wanted. I founded Movement Laboratory in 2017, a physiotherapy & Pilates clinic treating musculoskeletal and dance injuries. This is my second start up.
I hired my first employee 4 months after, and we hit 6 figures shortly after. I then hired an admin, another practitioner, and within 18 months we doubled our clinic space and signed another lease.
We were running 80 weekly Clinical Pilates classes and providing physiotherapy services with a team of 5.
Physio Group Practice
3 weeks after signing the new lease, we went into lockdown as I was 7 months pregnant.
The rest is history. There were highs and lows. Navigating motherhood, I built my clinic to run without me. This gave me the time and space to be a mum of 2, enrol in specialty Masters as a pelvic health physiotherapist, and start my third venture - Papaya Clinic, and coach other women through The Clinic Project.
There are many stories, stories that might resonate with where you're at. Stories I wish I got told when I was younger - from women ahead of me; women running successful teams and enjoying a healthy marriage and home life; women living a life of abundance.
The serial entrepreneur
There's a lot of noise in our industry. Noise that does not serve us. Noise that distracts, and frankly, highlights the problems without giving true solutions for change.
As we wait for change in our healthcare system, we can take accountability and ownership to create change in our own organisation and make a positive impact in our communities as leaders, clinicians, and mentors.
Turn your clinic into a sustainable high performance business.
Clinic on Autopilot * people Excellence * High value healthcare
* Own your brilliance * Step into Leadership * Creative Scaling * Embrace Womanhood *
The push you need to grow and thrive
Instant fixes and a strategy for problems and hurdles that are keeping you up at night.
For the clinic owner who’s ready for unfathomable results in 10 months.